Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Foosball - How Many Points If The Goalie Scores?

foosball-goalie I've had a few players approach me claiming that if you score with your goalie with out touching any other players then it is considered a goal worth two points.

Well girls and boys, I hate to break it to you, but in the official foosball rules, a goalie goal is just a regular goal worth only one point. 

If you are playing recreationally and you agree to  have goalie points count for two I suppose there is no harm in it, but don't plan on going anywhere where your opponents are anal about the rules because they will quickly shut you down on this one!


NiedersJobs.com said...

That doesn't surprise me that people come up with stuff like that.90% of the people who try to play think spinning is ok. If you are going to play foosball take a few minutes to learn the rules. i say that not to be mean, but when you spin it usually ends up breaking the men and they cost a bit of money to replace.

Tyler Snider said...

yeah, people come up with all sorts of silly rules which they might have heard in the bar and now think that's official.
but if you're playing foosball for fun it doesn't matter, make your own rules if you're playing with your friend just don't force on stupid rules to others

admin said...

Foosball is known as a conventional table which is making its rebound in the general public.

Alyssa said...

Nice information for a new blogger. It is really helpful. foosball game

Mackenzie Rodriguez said...

It is a good idea to invest in a table that has a lot of accessories. If you want to get more interesting details about foosball tables brand, visit this site right here.